MP465 - Advanced Electromagnetism

Lecturer/Tutor: Paul Watts
Address: Room 1.2, Department of Theoretical Physics, Science Building, North Campus
Phone: 708 3339
E-Mail: watts AT thphys DOT nuim DOT ie

Lectures and Tutorials:
As you all know, there will be no more face-to-face teaching for the rest of this semester. Furthermore, because of the total campus shutdown that's currently scheduled through the May Bank Holiday, I won't be on the Internet as continuously as if I were on campus. However, I'll be going online for a while every weekday to check e-mail, upload notes, do research, etc.

Speaking of notes, the lecture notes will be going up every Wednesday and the tutorial notes every Thursday. Here are what's been uploaded so far:

Tutorial 6, Tuesday 24/03/2020
Lectures 13 & 14, Thursday 26/03/2020
Tutorial 7, Monday 30/03/2020
Lectures 15 & 16, Thursday 02/04/2020
Tutorial 8, Tuesday 07/04/2020
Lectures 17 & 18 Part I and Part II, Thursday 09/04/2020
Tutorial 9, Tuesday 21/04/2020
Lectures 19 & 20, Thursday 23/04/2020
Lectures 21 & 22, Wednesday 29/04/2020
Tutorial 10, Thursday 30/04/2020
Lectures 23 & 24, Wednesday 06/05/2020
Tutorial 11, Thursday 07/05/2020

In addition, if you'd like to see a slightly different (and briefer) discussion of the same material, here are Brian Dolan's old notes from when he used to teach the module:

Brian's notes

This module will be lecture-driven, and the assignments and exam will be based entirely on the material presented in the lectures and tutorials, so please try to attend all of those (or at least as many as you possibly can). There is no required textbook for this module; however, the following are both EXCELLENT books and well-worth looking at in the library:

David J. Griffiths, Introduction to Electrodynamics (Canbridge)
J. D. Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics (Wiley)

The continuous assessment -- in the form of (roughly) biweekly problem sets -- will count toward 20% of your overall mark; here are all the problem sets that have been assigned so far:

Problem Set 1 and its solutions
Problem Set 2 and its solutions
Problem Set 3 and its solutions
Problem Set 4 and its solutions
Problem Set 5 and its solutions

The other 80% of your overall mark will come from the three-hour online exam. The May exam can be found here and its solutions here.

The repeat exam is taking place right now. It's below, as is a PDF of the Log Book:

Repeat Exam

Log Book