MP361 - Ordinary Differential Equations
Lecturer: Prof. Jiri
Address: Room 1.7A, Department of Theoretical
Physics, Science Building, North Campus
E-Mail: jiri DOT vala AT mu DOT ie
Tuesdays, 9:05am-9:55am, Hall D, Arts Building
Wednesdays, 9:05pm-9:55pm, JHL 7, Arts Building
Tutor: Mr. Samuel
Address: Hamilton Institute, Eolas Building, 3rd floor, North Campus
E-Mail: samuel DOT diabate AT mu DOT ie
Fridays, 11:05pm-11:55pm, Hall B, Arts Building
This module will be lecture-driven, and the assignments and exam will
be based entirely on the material presented in the lectures and
tutorials. There is no required textbook for this module; however,
the following books might be useful as supplements:
Mary L. Boas, Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences
Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics
D. G. Zill, W. S. Wright and M. R. Cullen, Advanced Engineering
Mathematics (Jones and Bartlett)
mathematical background of the students taking this module can vary wildly. To
try to address this issue, I include here a
link to the notes (written by Charles Nash) for the EE106 module that
we teach to the first-year engineers. The vast
majority of it is familiar to all of you, but if you feel you need a
bit of a reminder as to, say, the basics behind infinite series or
what a Taylor series is (both of which will figure into this module),
it should serve as a good starting point. Please take the time to go
through it.
Your mark for this module will be based on your total continuous
assessment mark (20%) and your exam mark (80%). The continuous
assessment will consist of problem sets issued (roughly) every
week. They will be made available on this webpage (see below) but
should be submitted as single scanned PDFs to the module's Moodle page
Lecture notes:
Introduction to MP361
Introduction to differential equations
First order ODEs I
First order ODEs II
Introduction to higher-order ODEs
Second-order ODEs: homogeneous equations, method of undetermined parameters
Second-order ODEs: method of variation of parameters
Second-order ODEs: Cauchy-Euler equation
Linear models
Green's function method: Initial value problems
Green's function method: Boundary value problems
Power series solutions of linear differential equations: Introduction
Power series solutions: Ordinary points
Power series solutions: Singular points
Solutions using special functions I: Bessel equation
Solutions using special functions I: Legendre, Laguerre and hypergeometric equations
Laplace transform I: Introduction
Laplace transform II
Laplace transform III
Fourier series and Fourier transform
Homework assignments:
Assignment 1 and
the solutions (average mark: )
Assignment 2 and
the solutions (average mark: )
Assignment 3 and
the solutions (average mark: )
Assignment 4 and
the solutions (average mark: )
Assignment 5 and
the solutions (average mark: )
Assignment 6 and
the solutions (average mark: )
Assignment 7 and
the solutions (average mark: )
Assignment 8 and
the solutions (average mark: )
Assignment 9 and
the solutions (average mark: )
Assignment 10 and
the solutions (average mark: )