Schedule and Homework for Condensed Matter Theory (MP473)

To facilitate distance teaching, this course has now migrated to Moodle.
Please go to the MP473 Moodle pages for more information.
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Week 1

  • Notes: We gave a plan for the course and then reviewed some material on multi-particle states of bosons and fermions, considering both the spin and the spatial parts of their wave functions. We also briefly reviewed the quantum mechanics of the harmonic oscillator and the hydrogen atom. We then made a small foray into atomic physics and introduced the Aufbau Principle and Hund's rules, which are important in chemistry (construction of the periodic table relates to the Aufbau principle) and also for remembering the magnetic properties of the ground states of atoms and some ions. The spin, orbital and total angular momentum of the electrons in an atom can be determined using Hund's rules and the information is summarized in the so called term symbol of the atom.

  • Week 2

  • Notes: We dealt with multi-particle states for bosons and fermions in some detail. In particular we introduced full symmetrization and antisymmetrization of products of single particle wave functions. Antisymmetrization involved the signature (or sign) of a permutation or the epsilon-symbol, if one prefers. It also led to wave functions which are so called Slater determinants. We then introduced Fock space, the vacuum state and creation and annihilation operators. For fermions we showed the definition of the operators explicitly as well as the canonical anticommutation relations (we also introduced the anticommutator).

  • Week 3

  • Notes: We will complete the introduction to creation and annihilation operators (in particular give the canonincal commutation relations for the bosonic operators). We then discuss how to write Hamiltonians for interacting particles in terms of these operators. hopefully we will be able to consider some example systems, such as the interacting electron gas described by the so called "jellium model".

  • Week 4

  • Notes:

  • Week 5

  • Notes: