Lecturer: John Regan (john.regan@mu.ie)
This website is not maintained. Please see the moodle page for this course for up-to-date information.
Lectures and Tutorials
Lecture schedule: (1) Thursdays 12-1, lecture (2) Thursdays 2-4, lab
Previous exam solutions
Some previous exam solutions below.
The lectures, assignments, and problem collections should provide
orientation for the topics to be addressed in the 2022 exam. (Some
topics might be different from previous years.) In general however,
exam questions will closely align with lab exercises and assignments.
MP468C 2018 exam with solutions.
MP468C 2019 January exam with solutions.
MP468C 2019 Repeat exam with solutions.
Lab Exercises
Lab 01
For the lab on 30th September.
John Brennan's notes
John's notes for MP468: John Brennan has written notes for some part of what used to be covered in this module.
Online external links
Hope some of the following are helpful. Please let me know if any of the links are broken!
Class slides on random number generation. Similar
material as the first two weeks of MP468.
(Author: BenZvi, Rochester)
Class slides on random number generation, Monte Carlo
integration, etc.. Similar
material as the first two weeks of MP468.
(Author: ?, Harvard)
Class notes on Monte Carlo methods. (Author: Goodman, NYU)
Chapter 7 of the Numerical Recipes in C.
Also known as Inverse CDF sampling. In previous versions of this module, the phrase Transformation method was used.
1986 book ``Non-Uniform Random Variate Generation ''. Chapter 2 describes inverse transform sampling and the rejection method.
A blog post describing inverse transform sampling. The code
is not python but easy to read.
(Author: M.Bonakdarpour)
A blog post on rejection sampling, with python code.
(Author: A.Kristiadi)
Another blog post on the rejection method, also with python code.
(Author: jyyuan)
Wikipedia page. (Not a very easy read, I found.)
A youtube video on rejection sampling. . (The code is
in Mathematica and not discussed in detail.)
(Author: Ben Lambert )
Wikipedia page. First part is a pleasant read. Importance sampling is also introduced.
Notes on Monte Carlo integration and importance sampling, with exercises.
(Author: ?, Brigham Y Univ)
Lecture slides covering Monte Carlo integration.
Also material on random number generation.
(Author: Rummukainen, Helsinki)
An undergraduate report on MCMC calculations for Ising
Easy to read. See derivations, Equations (6)
and (7), for specific heat and magnetic susceptibility.
Another undergraduate report on same topic.
Easy to
A detailed description of the 2D Ising model phase transition and
its simulation.
Should also be easy to read.
Lecture notes from Leuven: ``Advanced Monte Carlo
Chapter 2 explains the basics of equilibrium
MCMC very clearly and in detail.
Notes: ``Monte Carlo Simulations of Spin Systems''
(Author: W.Janke, Leipzig)
``Introduction to Monte Carlo Methods''
(Author: Katzgraber)
``Introduction to Monte Carlo Methods for an Ising Model of a Ferromagnet''
(Author: Kotze)
Lecture slides for Monte Carlo, simulations, phase transitions
From Helsinki.
Textbooks and other general sources
MP468C was designed around Numerical Recipes, so many topics will be found there.
Regarding Q-and-A sites: my impression is that currently answers on stackoverflow.com tend to be reasonably informative and reliable, compared to many other sites.
Here is some serious documentation (``lectures'') for Scipy.
There are many texts on each of the following topics. In MP468C we can only introduce the basics of each topic, very superficially and very selectively. I list a (random-ish and very limited) selection of texts. Each of these texts covers the topic in far more depth than we can hope for in this module.
In the next section, there are links to online sources for this part of the module. Some texts on the topic:
Monte Carlo Methods in Statistical Physics by M.E.J.Newman und G.T.Barkema, Oxford Univ. Press
Statistical Mechanics: Algorithms and Computations by W.Krauth, Oxford Univ. Press
Explorations in Monte Carlo Methods by R.W.Shonkwiler and F.Mendivil, Springer
A Guide to Monte Carlo Simulations in Statistical Physics by D.P.Landau and K.Binder, Cambridge Univ. Press
Nonlinear optimization: Methods and Applications by H.A.Eiselt and C.-L.~Sandblom, Springer.
Algorithms for optimization by M.J.Kochenderfer and T.A.Wheeler, MIT Press
Convex optimization by S.Boyd and L.Vanderberghe, Cambridge Univ. Press
Numerical Optimization by J.Nocedal and S.J.Wright, Springer
Numerical Linear Algebra by L.Trefethen and D.Bau, SIAM
Numerical Linear Algebra: An Introduction by H.Wendland, Cambridge Univ. Press
Numerical Linear Algebra and Matrix Factorizations by T.Lyche, Springer
Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations: An Introduction by K.W.Morton and D.F.Mayers, Cambridge Univ. Press
Partial Differential Equations with Fourier Series and Boundary Value Problems by N.Asmar, Dover
Unix/ linux tutorial
Unix tutorial prepared by Jonivar some years ago