Recent Publications

Determinants of Laplacians, the Ray-Singer Torsion on Lens Spaces and the Riemann zeta function (with D. J. O' Connor)
Jour. Math. Phys., {\bf 36}, 1462--1505, (1995).
BRST quantisation and the product formula for the Ray-Singer torsion (with D. J. O' Connor)
Int. Jour. Mod. Phys. A, {\bf 10}, 1779--1805, (1995).
Modular Invariance of finite size corrections and a vortex critical phase. (with D. J. O' Connor) Phys. Rev. Lett., {\bf 76}, 1196--1199, (1996)
Integral representations of the Kinkelin constant $A$ (with J. Choi)
Math. Japonica, {\bf 45}, 223--230, (1997).
Anomalies in quantisation
Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, vol 11, (Kluwer), (1997)
The Bohm-Aharanov effect, Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, vol 12, (Kluwer), (1997)
Topology and Physics---a historical essay, Chapter 12, 359--415,
A History of Topology (edited by I. M. James) Elsevier, (1998)
Modular invariance, lattice field theories and finite size corrections (with D. J. O' Connor), Ann. Phys., {\bf 273}, 72--98, (1999).
The Seiberg--Witten equations, Ency. math., 415--418, (2000)
Zero modes of the Dirac operator and in three dimensions, (with C. Adam and B. Muratori) Phys. Rev., {\bf D60}, 125001-1--125001-8, (1999)
Hopf instantons in Chern--Simons theory, (with C. Adam and B. Muratori) Phys. Rev., {\bf D61}, 105018-1--105018-5, (2000)
Hopf instantons and the Liouville equation in target space, (with C. Adam and B. Muratori) Phys. Lett., {\bf 479B}, 329--335, (2000)
Degeneracy of zero modes of the Dirac operator in three dimensions, (with C. Adam and B. Muratori) Phys. Lett., {\bf 485B}, 314--318 , (2000)
On non-$L^2$ solutions to the Seiberg-Witten equations, (with C. Adam and B. Muratori) J. Math. Phys., {\bf 41}, 5875--, (2000)
Multiple zero modes of the Dirac operator in three dimensions, (with C. Adam and B. Muratori) Phys. Rev. {\bf D62}, 085026--, (2000)
Zero modes in finite range magnetic fields, (with C. Adam and B. Muratori) Mod. Phys. Lett. A, {\bf A15}, 1577--1582}, (2000)
Particle creation via relaxing hypermagnetic knots (with C. Adam and B. Muratori) Phys. Rev., {\bf D62}, 105027--, (2000)
Chiral Fermions and Spinc structures on Matrix approximations to manifolds (with B. Dolan) Jour. High Energy Physics, 0207, 057, (2002). The Standard Model Fermion Spectrum From Complex Projective space (with B. Dolan) Jour. High Energy Physics, 0210, 041, (2002).
Chern-Simons action for zero mode supporting gauge fields in three dimensions (with C. Adam and B. Muratori) Phys. Rev., {\bf D67}, 087703--, (2003).
Four manifold invariants and physics, Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Physics, Elsevier, (2006).
Topological phase transitions and holonomies in the dimer model, (with Denjoe O' Connor) J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. {\bf 42}, 012002, (2009).
The Zero Temperature Phase Diagram of the Kitaev Model (with Denjoe O' Connor) {\bf cond-mat: arXiv:0812.0099}, Phys. Rev. Lett. (2009), to appear.

Books by C. Nash.

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